S ecurity Of Data Security of data is concerned with keeping data safe and uncorrupted by restricting access to data so that malicious damage to it is minimized. Hacking Is the process of entering a computer system without the owner's knowledge or consent. Data loss, data corruption, data editing, data copying, identity theft, exposure of a company (for instance, wiki leaks), disruption, and production halting are all possible outcomes of hacking. Firewalls, strong passwords that are frequently changed, protection software to detect and block hacking attempts, and hiring a professional hacker to test the vulnerabilities of your system are all ways to prevent hacking. Computer Virus Is a piece of software that can install and spread itself throughout a computer system without the user's knowledge or consent. Computer viruses can harm in a number of ways, including by causing computers to crash, run slowly, deleting files that can cause the computer to malfunction, copying da...